Thermography Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI)

Why Thermography?
Every person deserves the very earliest look at their health status rather than waiting for a disease process to be diagnosed.
Waiting until after symptoms have manifested is often too late to reverse the outcome.
The Professionals at Circle of Life want to do something about this.
Instead of disease detection we call
Thermography “Health Discovery” – a very important
part of your preventive wellness program.
Thermography detects inflammation, which is oftentimes the very first spark of a potential health problem.
Thermography can give you the very earliest look at the status of your health – in many cases long before you feel any
symptoms or before a specific test is able to diagnose an actual disease. In a nutshell, Thermography can see your body
asking for extra help. The good news is that Thermography can give you an early warning; the bad news is that you
may not take it seriously enough to do something about it.
Proactive vs. Reactive Healthcare
We humans are famous for waiting until symptoms become problematic before we finally act on them.
At that point, it may be too late for prevention – reaction is our only choice.
Many must endure invasive testing, drugs with side effects, treatments and/or surgeries that greatly reduce quality of life.
However, on the the proactive side – meaning preventing a disease process from taking hold:
Here at Circle of Life we offer the treatments to support our body’s ability to heal itself through various modalities such as diet changes, supplementation, Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Chiropractic, CFT, Massage, Natural Medicine, Yoga/exercise, and more…
all designed to return us to a healthy state of wellbeing.
In addition, our Interpreting Physicians are MDs who believe in the power to monitor the treatment provided by your Health Practitioner. Monitoring your chosen treatments adds valuable data to the process and may help steer the course of treatment
and monitor its effectiveness!
What is Thermography?
Thermography is a “Health Discovery tool” – a very important part of your wellness program that detects inflammation, a world-wide recognized potential health problem. Thermography can give you a very unique look at the current status of your health and help you see if your body asking for extra help.
The good news is that Thermography can give you healthy insights; the best advice is to take thermal changes seriously enough to do something about it.
Proactive Health Discovery: Trained practitioners can support our body’s ability to heal itself through various modalities such as diet changes, supplementation, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, exercise and more… all designed to support you maintain a healthy state of wellbeing. Central Florida Medical Thermography supports this process by providing your practitioners with valuable information which may indicate possible health challenges. In addition, our Interpreting Physicians are MDs who believe in the power to monitor the treatment provided by your Health Practitioner. Monitoring your chosen treatments with thermography adds valuable data to the process and may help steer the course of treatment and see its value and effectiveness!
Who should get a Thermogram?
Anyone, any age who would like a health screening.Those interested in healthy lifestyle and longevity are encouraged
to have a base line Thermogram. If health issues arise we can repeat the Thermogram to see how your lifestyle changes
and natural treatments are helping your body heal itself.
What should I expect during the procedure?
You may be asked to avoid wearing deodorant on the day of the exam.
You’ll first undress the body part (or whole body), so that your body can become acclimated to the temperature of the room.
Then you will stand in front of the imaging system.
A technician will take a series of images, including front and side views, of your body. The whole test takes about 30 minutes.
A doctor specialized in thermographic imagery will analyze the images, and you’ll receive the results within a few days.
What are the possible side effects and risks?
Thermography is a noninvasive test that uses a camera to take images of your body.
There is no radiation exposure, no compression of your body, and no risks associated with the test.
How much does it cost?
The cost of Thermography can vary from center to center.
The average cost is around $250 to $500.
Medicare does not cover the cost of Thermography.
Some private health insurance plans may
cover part or all of the cost.